What We Achieve

Germ of Life provides newly developed solutions capable to support regional stakeholders in:

Drought Risk Prediction: Preventing by adopting AI and data-driven early warning systems through remote sensing and exploitation of new data that are potentially useful for drought impact detection and quantification.

Collaboratively assess vulnerability risk: increase cooperation in joint risk management and support decision making, for example, in planning, assessment, sharing of SBN performance results and impact evidence base through data monitoring.

Procuring innovative solutions: supporting authorities to implement strategies and plans, including appropriate technologies and NbS to mitigate the impact of drought.

Data-Driven Solutions

Germ of Life expects to build and technologically evolve an existing practice tested in the Interreg project DriDanube where an operational model for the implementation of a proactive drought management has been established in Danube regions. Germ of Life will make a step forward in the automation and precision of the state of soil and vegetation risk assessment thanks to advances in analysis and actionable knowledge from the monitoring and data-driven solutions in place.

Prediction will be based on the identification of drought events performed by analysing their key characteristics: magnitude and duration (combined to quantify the intensity), frequency, timing, concatenation/fluctuation dynamics and spatial extent.