Media kit

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Germ of Life: Digital drought risk management that enables the drought mitigation and adaptation strategies to restore ecosystem balance in Mediterranean European countries.

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The main objective of Germ of Life project, co-financed by the Interreg Euro-MED Programme, is to develop an innovative system of digital technologies to improve preventive management of drought risks. It’s the initiative of 10 entities from 6 Euro-Mediterranean countries (Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, France, Cyprus) based on data-driven solutions jointly developed and adapted. With monitoring sources and indices commonly defined that will support drought risk prediction for territorial monitoring systems and timely alerts on drought conditions. With pilot tests to apply nature-based solutions and technological solutions aimed at drought risk mitigation challenges specific to the Mediterranean area.

Germ of Life promotes climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention, with resilience, taking into account eco-system based approaches. Project mission is protecting, restoring anb valorising the natural environment and heritage.

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