
European Environment Agency indicator on losses from weather and climate-related extremes events

Date and Time

Date(s) - 14 October 2024
Time : 16h00 - 17h30


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Date(s) - 14 October 2024
16h00 - 17h30

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Annual Update on the European Environment Agency indicator on losses from weather- and climate-related extremes and Advances in Systematic Loss Collection. Disaster Loss Data, which track economic and human-related losses from disasters, are vital for understanding the full impact of climate and environmental risks. Collecting and analysing this data enables informed decision-making for disaster risk reduction, enhancing resilience, and allocating resources more effectively.

The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 emphasizes the importance of reducing disaster-related losses in lives, livelihoods, and economic assets, calling for robust mechanisms to collect and monitor such data.

During this webinar, organized by EEA and CMCC, Germ of Life partner, the annual update of the EEA indicator will be presented, along with a discussion on the underlying methodological choices. The webinar will also feature advancements in other initiatives aimed at the systematic collection of loss data.

This webinar is intended for policymakers, researchers, and professionals working in disaster risk reduction, climate adaptation, and data management, as well as anyone interested in the integration of loss data into policy and decision-making processes.