
  • Project

Cooperation meeting with the other participants of Natural Heritage Mission & Thematic Projects


Germ of Life participates on June 27 in the Croatian city of Rovinj in the work meeting of all the initiatives selected and supported by Interreg Euro-MED and framed in Natural Heritage Mission & Thematic Projects. The main objective is to structure a synergy transfer strategy to amplify the impact of the project results in the development of policies and legislation in all Euro-Mediterranean countries.

The host entity is the Marine Institute of Croatia and the meeting coordinator is Henrieta Belegisanin, from the Marine Institute on behalf of Natural Heritage Mission. Germ of Life is represented by its project manager: Panagiota Saranti, from the University of Patras (Greece); and by its communication manager: Juan Charneco, from Ubitel Engineering (Spain).

The 13 projects supported by Interreg Euro-MED that are framed in the Mission Natural Heritage are, in addition to Germ of Life, Artemis, Carbon 4 Soil Quality; Coastrust; Fred; GreenList4MMPAs; LocAll4Flood; MedSeaRise; MPA4Change; StrategyMedFor; Treasure; We Go Coop, and Wetland4Change.

On the agenda for this meeting there are sessions dedicated to operationally structuring a portfolio of services; to create a cooperation map, and a joint schedule of events and activities for the year 2025; to optimize communication actions; to debate the gaps that exist both between social sectors and between regions and countries.

The Thematic Community projects aim to build a community among thematic projects and facilitate resource transfers to stakeholders, focusing on technical and strategic content. There are 4 macro-thematic areas: Blue economy, green economy, RIS3 implementation and business molds. To be specified in 10 sectors: Biotechnology, renewable energy, olive oil, aquifers, green procurement, carbon farming, depopulation, textiles loop, e-waste and circular economy.